St. Charles Garnier Parish Council (Kelowna)

St. Charles Garnier Parish Council (Kelowna)

St. Charles Garnier Parish Council (Kelowna, BC) held their November meeting with a Memorial mass and empty chair ceremony. Past Presidents took turns reading the names of deceased sisters. Father Sebastian spoke about being reconciled with God, ourselves, our...
Life Member Barbara Alice Jarvis

Life Member Barbara Alice Jarvis

We sadly share that Life Member Barbara Alice Jarvis passed away on November 8th. She was a member of the League for 60 years and served at all levels of the Catholic Women’s League of Canada. Barbara did two terms on National: Resolutions and Spiritual...
St. George’s Parish Council (Hanna)

St. George’s Parish Council (Hanna)

St. George’s Parish Council (Hanna, AB) commissioned local artist, Donna Brink, to design something that would memorialize the unborn. On the rock, which is situated in their church flower garden, she painted a baby nestled in angel wings. Fr. Rodel blessed the...
St. Peter Parish Council, Villeneuve

St. Peter Parish Council, Villeneuve

St. Peter’s Parish Council, Villeneuve honoured deceased members by inviting the women of their families to a memorial celebration Gathering in the church to light a candle for each deceased member following the sharing...