St. Anne Parish Council, Tecumseh

St. Anne Parish Council, Tecumseh

St. Anne Parish Council (Tecumseh) members have been very busy knitting and crocheting for their prayer shawl ministry. The parish council has gifted numerous shawls to anyone needing prayers for themselves or loved ones during this difficult time. Father Rob Renaud...
St. Francis De Sales Parish Council, Ajax

St. Francis De Sales Parish Council, Ajax

Last fall, after it became apparent that St. Francis De Sales Parish Council (Ajax) would be unable to have in-person meetings, the council planned and advertised a drive-thru event. In the church parking lot, three stations were set up. The first table was for...
St. Mary Parish Council, Lindsay

St. Mary Parish Council, Lindsay

St. Mary Parish Council (Lindsay) helped with a local school fundraiser by purchasing poinsettias, which were then delivered to some of the council’s senior members. It was a way to spread cheer during the COVID-19 pandemic. Submitted by Lillian...
St. Patrick Parish Council, Yellowknife

St. Patrick Parish Council, Yellowknife

St. Patrick Parish Council (Yellowknife) donated a few loads of toys and money to The Salvation Army’s toy program. Parishioners were very generous in helping with this great cause. The parish council thanks everyone who helped put a smile on a child’s face this...
St. Mary Parish Council, Lindsay

St. Mary Parish Council, Lindsay

Members of St. Mary Parish Council (Lindsay) gave donations and their time to spread Christmas cheer. Several lap blankets, gift bags and more than 600 Christmas cards were delivered on December 15th to five long-term care homes. All items were wrapped in plastic and...