St. Ann Parish Council, Abbotsford

St. Ann Parish Council, Abbotsford

St. Ann Parish Council (Abbotsford) executive delivered a gift for each member during Easter. Each envelope contained a laminated prayer and tea bag in a home-sewn small cloth pouch, accented with flowered lace. Submitted by Noli Buyco
St. Ann Parish Council, Abbotsford

St. Ann Parish Council, Abbotsford

Members of St. Ann Parish Council (Abbotsford) donated baby items to Hope for Women Pregnancy Services on December 1st for Giving Tuesday. It is the only crisis pregnancy centre in the city. Submitted by Noli Buyco
St. Ann Parish Council, Abbotsford

St. Ann Parish Council, Abbotsford

“Then He said to His disciples, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few'” (Mt 9:37). Members of St. Ann Parish Council (Abbotsford) have been helping a local farmer harvest luscious beautiful blueberries in the Fraser Valley as...
St. Ann Parish Council, Abbotsford

St. Ann Parish Council, Abbotsford

St. Ann Parish Council (Abbotsford) members spent their Thanksgiving serving traditional ham and turkey lunch to the women and children of Christine Lamb Residence, a transition house for those at risk of homelessness or fleeing domestic violence. Clients at The Warm...
St. Ann Parish Council, Abbotsford

St. Ann Parish Council, Abbotsford

In July, due to COVID-19 restrictions, 105 members of St. Ann Parish Council (Abbotsford), joined by their spiritual advisor, participated in a virtual Canada Day parade. A video of the event can be viewed at Submitted by Noli...