faith | service | social justice

Implementation Committee Update—April 2023

Apr 1, 2023 | In the News, Media, News Releases


Implementation Committee Update—April 2023 

by Christa Grillmair, Goal 1 Lead 

I recently saw my first robin—affirmation that spring weather is on its way. It is the time for new beginnings as the snow melts, the air warms and flowers bloom. For members, it is also a time for new beginnings as the League transitions to a new structure. The challenge is to align the old roles and responsibilities with the new. By the time this transformation is complete, the League will look different, but the core values of faith, service and social justice will stay the same. And that is the most important thing, isn’t it? 

But change is still hard. Since each council is unique, helping members change may require different approaches. Some may only need to hear about it, while others may need workshops to help them better understand the reason for the changes. The Joy of Leadership Through Engagement in Ministry—A Practical Guide for Parish Councils is a good resource to show how faith, service and social justice interlink. The training and development using technology working group has developed a five-module training program that focuses on leadership and offers strategies and tips to engage and inspire members. This training program will be available soon on the national website, joining the many other resources at 

 The League’s envisioned future is to continue to be “a vital participant in the church, a valued partner for social justice, a respected advocate at all government levels and connected to the world.” Join the League on this journey. 


Photograph by Life Member Agnes Geiger