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Implementation Committee Update – April 2022

Apr 1, 2022 | In the News, Media, News Releases


Travelling through Lent
Jacqueline Nogier, Goal 3 Lead

Catholics are travelling through Lent with Jesus and have almost reached their destination. Lent is when many members spend more time in prayer. There are so many ways that members can make their life more prayerful. They can attend mass more often, say the rosary, or read their prayer books. It is always good to look for new ways and places to pray. The networking working group is creating a brochure that lists some of the many Catholic retreat centres across Canada. This brochure will help members find retreat centres in their area. Some have in-person retreats and spiritual programs, while other centres have online retreats and spiritual programs. I know once the brochure is available, members will find something to help them continue a prayerful life.