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Communiqué #11 – National Vice President

Sep 15, 2024 | By Position, By Year, Communiques, In the News, Media, National Vice President, National Vice President, News Releases

Betty Colaneri, National Vice-President, September 15, 2024

FOR: Provincial Vice-Presidents


“…For the rendering of this ministry not only supplies the needs of the saints but also overflows with many thanksgivings to God” (2 Cor 9:12). 

My dear sisters in the League, 

With the leaves on the trees beginning to change, God will soon reveal his tapestry of amazing colours for fall. A new season of harvest, back to school and back to routines. It is also an exciting time to begin monthly League meetings and a wonderful opportunity to explore ways to recruit new members. ‘1’ way is to continue to promote the “1” Campaign to “Recruit, Retain and Regain” the League’s membership. I hope you have been able to use the catchphrases previously sent to you monthly. They have no expiration date, so use them as often as you like. To continue the momentum, the following are the catchphrases for the upcoming months. 

October: Thankful for the Ultimate ‘1’ 

In the month that Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving, let us reflect on the ultimate ‘1,’ God, and thank him for all the many blessings he has given. ‘1’ way of doing this is to not only count our blessings but make our blessings count. The League’s way of showing gratitude to God is to pay it forward. Perhaps invite ‘1’ member with no family to join you for Thanksgiving dinner or visit a shut-in member. Even ‘1’ small act of caring can change a life around. 

November: Remembering the ‘1’ Who Planted the Seed 

We all have that special person who taught us our faith or helped us grow in different ways. A parent, priest, teacher, mentor or saint whose life spoke to us. Perhaps it was a member who invited you to come to a meeting or asked you to join the League. They saw your potential, and their joy was seeing the seed they planted grow and flourish. Honour them by being that ‘1’ person to plant a seed for someone else and continue to grow the kingdom of God.  

December: ‘1’ Priceless Gift 

Jesus is the gift that keeps on giving. A gift that was born so long ago but continues to have an immense impact on the world—a humble gift that did not come with fancy wrapping paper or a bow but, when opened, gave an amazing love to last for all eternity. It is not a gift to be kept unwrapped or for oneself. We are meant to share that gift with others—to show all the love, hope, compassion and forgiveness they too can experience. One way to show that compassion is for members to give the gift of presence to ‘1’ person. That ‘1’ on ‘1’ attention could be exactly what they need to boost their spirit. Another way is to help ‘1’ member who is unable to pay her membership or give the gift of membership to that ‘1’ person you think would benefit from belonging to the League. 

Kindly forward these catchphrases and encourage them to be used. I would appreciate receiving any feedback on the use of the catchphrases or projects that have been created to promote membership. 

Meet the Staff Webinar 

Set your calendar and register for the “Meet the Staff Webinar” on Thursday, October 10th at 2:00 p.m. CDT. Encourage members to sign up for the webinar so they can meet the wonderful staff who take care of the day-to-day duties at national office and become familiar with who to contact if necessary. 

Mentor Skills Bank 

The Mentor Skills Bank is being revised and will be available in October. This resource is a way to reach out to members with particular expertise in an area where you may need help. Members willing to be a mentor and offer their services are welcome to add their names to the list by contacting national office. 

In this season of thankfulness, why not start each day with a quote by Maya Angelou, followed by Psalm 9:1. “This is a wonderful day. I’ve never seen this one before.” “I will give thanks to the Lord with my whole heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds.” 

Respectfully submitted, 

Betty Colaneri 

National Vice-President