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Communiqué #07 – Past Presidents

Sep 15, 2024 | By Position, By Year, Communiques, In the News, Media, News Releases, Past President, Past President

Fran Lucas, National Past President, September 15, 2024

FOR: Past Presidents at All Levels


A warm welcome to all new past presidents and welcome back to those in their second year!  

In a recent issue of The Catholic Register, an article titled “God gives us angels to guide our lives” included this statement, “Angels then are guides to making morally good free choices. We ought not to ignore them but rather seek their help as we navigate through the rocky shoals of life with freedom and responsibility” (Glen Argan). Angels have helped me on numerous occasions, so I encourage you to seek their help as you joyfully navigate through life and your League work as you proclaim Here I am Lord, send me

This communiqué is a new format I am trying. It will be a list of actions stated in the form of a question to remind and encourage you to act. 

Have you: 

  • written your short- and long-range plans or reviewed them to ensure completion before your term ends? 
  • scheduled regular meetings or group discussion time with your counterparts? 
  • arranged parliamentary procedure sessions for the executive and others interested? 
  • made successful progress in maintaining archival materials? What have you added to your archives in the last six months? Have you taken an item or two of your council history to your meeting, e.g., a photo album or past newsletters?  
  • considered offering a session for the executive on the proper running of an election? All levels appear to have challenges to various degrees with this important function. 
  • shared resources that could be useful at other levels? 
  • continued to offer your services to your president? 

Please know you are welcome to reach out to me or your respective counterpart at any time for any reason. 

“For God and Canada”, 

Fran Lucas 

National Past President